Welcome to Indigitalgames

Alo, Tansi, Boozhoo,

Welcome to Indigitalgames, a blogging archiving website that looks at the multitude of different forms of Indigenous representations within video games and provides context to the impacts that they may have within the community. This site is to help educate and inform Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples throughout the world in order to educate people about representations within videogames.

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Beyond Two Souls

Video games and single player stories have become heavily intertwined as technology continues to expand opportunities to explore stories using multiple aspects. Stories revolving around environments that are massively detailed, expressive facial features from playable and non-playable characters and dependence on player choices all impact the progression through the main story. These features allow game … Continue reading Beyond Two Souls

Gunsmoke; Devil Hawk and the 8 Bit Western

Western-themed shooters profoundly influenced video games throughout the late 1980’s, as more developers latched onto Native American pop culture imagery. Famous game developer at the time Capcom made excellent shoot em ups (a genre of game) where players were forced to continuously fire streams of bullets at enemies as they traversed numerous levels. These games … Continue reading Gunsmoke; Devil Hawk and the 8 Bit Western

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